Virabov K.S. 1
1 Moscow state University named after I.M. Sechenov Moscow medical Academy of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation
Dental care, provided in the system of medical insurance for children in 2011-2013, not exactly corresponded to the temporary version of Federal standard of care at that moment. Much less were provided services of x-ray diagnostics, block anesthesia. Range of filling materials was less diverse. The frequency of the use of domestic cement 4.3 times higher than the recommended standard. To ensure the high quality of the discussed types of aid required the implementation of a constant search for clinically and economically sound technologies and methods of organization and management capacity of dental care. To ensure the high quality of the discussed types of aid required the implementation of a constant search for clinically and economically sound technologies and methods of organization and management capacity of dental care. This explains the search for appropriate methods of predicting the carrying capacity of the dental care of children with caries in the system of mandatory medical insurance.