Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Vlasova T.I. 1 Vlasov A.P. 1 Gashimova S.K. 1 Timoshkin S.P. 1 Vasiliev V.V. 1 Abramova S.V. 1
1 Mordvinian State University
In this paper the implementation of a pilot study evaluated the effectiveness of drugs metabolic type of action and etoksidol and mexidol correction enteral insufficiency and toxic liver damage in acute peritonitis on the basis of performance assessment transcapillary exchange and trophics in tissue structures of the intestine and liver. It is shown that the basis of the correction etoksidolom functional metabolic state organ destruction - bowel and target organ - the liver during acute peritonitis is its ability to stabilize in the studied organs microcirculation (especially in the gut), improve electrogenesis tissues. Identified pharmacodynamic effects of the new antioxidant etoksidol respect of microcirculation and tissue nutrition intestine and liver in acute peritonitis correspond to those of the famous representative of the group of 3- hydroxypyridine mexidol.