Vozzhennikov A.Y. 1
Midlenko T.A. 1
1 FSBEI of HPE «Ulyanovsk state University
It was done the analysis of Doppler aspects of hypertensive remodeling of interior carotid arteries in patients with high blood pressure. It was considered: the diameter of the arteries, the linear velocities of blood flow (Vmax, Vmin, Vmed), the volume average velocity of the blood flow (Vvol med), the Purselo’s index of circulatory resistance (IR), the Gosling’s pulsation index (IP), the ratio of maximum systolic velocity of blood flow to the maximum diastolic rate (S/D). As a result of study in patients with high blood pressure it is revealed a significant increase in the diameter of the interior carotid artery, a significant reduction of Vmax, Vmin, Vmed, Vvol med, and a significant increase in IR, IP, S/D. The changes occur, starting with high normal blood pressure, and reach their maximum at the arterial hypertension of the 1st stage, of 2nd degree, it indicates an increase in density, rigidity of the vascular walls and increase peripheral resistance to blood flow by increasing the degree of blood pressure. Consequently, to prevent the development of hypertension remodeling of the interior carotid arteries and prevention of violations of cerebral circulation it is necessary to conduct regular antihypertensive therapy, starting with high normal blood pressure regardless of the risk of developing complications.