Volkov E.V. 1
Gandylyan K.S. 1
Goltyapina I.A. 1
Karakov K.G. 1
Vishlova I.A. 1
1 Stavropol State Medical University
A study of clinical and immunological study 114 children after combined craniofacial trauma with brain concussion and brain contusion mild. Clinical neurological examination of children with combined craniofacial trauma in the long-term injury possible to distinguish the following syndromes: vegetative dystonia, cerebral syndrome and diffuse cerebral mikrosimptomatiki and combinations thereof. Сonducted clinical and immunological comparison showed that in patients with concomitant effects craniofacial trauma occur raising antibodies to TNF-α and CL compared with the control group. Study of the immunological parameters depending on the severity revealed that in patients with combined craniofacial grass with a brain contusion mild levels of antibodies to cardiolipin and TNF-alpha were significantly higher than in the combined craniofacial trauma with brain concussion. Comparative analysis of immunological parameters and neurological syndromes revealed a certain pattern: the significant pathology of the nervous system after neurotrauma, the higher the levels of proinflammatory cytokines and antibodies in the serum KL. It was also found to depend on the age, the resulting combined craniofacial trauma, which at an earlier date by the time of the injury level of immunological parameters higher than the long-term period of injury.