Gazhva S.I. 1
Progressova D.A. 1
Volkomorova T.V. 1
1 Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
This article presents the scientific and practical study in which the results of clinical examination of patients with tooth discoloration caused by various etiological factors, proved the effectiveness of the diode laser in comparison with other whitening systems. Analysis bleaching systems with varying content of hydrogen peroxide. The effect of bleaching agent on the discoloration of tooth enamel caused by various etiological factors. In addition, the presented clinical efficacy of bleaching with different mechanisms of action, which must be considered when choosing a method of bleaching. The efficiency of laser bleaching in the algorithm to eliminate tooth discoloration. Shows the relative effectiveness of existing methods of bleaching. Grounded conducting this study. The obtained results confirmed morphologically and clinically proven.