Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Gazhva S.I. 1 Stepanyan T.B. 1 Goryacheva T.P. 1
1 Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
The purpose of research is studying psycho-emotional conditions of patients of a stomatologic structure before and after treatment, revealing of a degree psycho-emotional pressure of the patients by means of Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale, Spielberger – Khanin Anxiety Scale, and also finding-out the reasons of odontophobia. Obtained data have allowed to define and analyse a degree of uneasiness of patients and to reveal displays of odontophobia before and after treatment, to define the reasons psycho-emotional frustration. It is proved, that the psycho-emotional pressure which has arisen at the patient before stomatologic intervention, it is kept during the all period of treatment and long enough time after its termination keeps. The concept about necessity psycho-emotionalcorrections ofstomatologic patients before reception, and after it is actually confirmed. The role of the dentist in regulation psycho-emotional status of the patientsis certain. The dentist is obliged to know elements of psychology and to be able to render the patient psychological support, and in case of need – to direct to the highly specialized expert – to the psychologist. In clauseеhe reasons of odontophobia are designated.