Gainitdinova V.V. 1
Sharafutdinova L.A. 2
Bakirov A.B. 1
Kalimullina D.H. 1
1 Bashkir State Medical University
2 Bashkir state university
With use of a method of atomic and power microscopy research of visco-elastic properties (rigidity of a membrane, adhesion force) of neutrophils of peripheral blood at patients with frequent exacerbations of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is conducted. In the mode of power spectroscopy the quantitative assessment of the module of elasticity (the module the Ship’s boy) a cellular membrane and force of adhesion of neutrophils is executed. In a series of experiments indicators of rigidity and force of adhesion of a membrane of the neutrophils received from blood of healthy donors and sick COPD were compared. It is established that the cellular membrane of neutrophils of sick COPD with frequent aggravations in comparison with control group and group of patients with rare aggravations is characterized by higher rigidity characterized by high values of the module the Ship’s boy and increased by force of adhesion of neutrophils. Dependence investigated from indicators of function of external breath and frequency of aggravations is revealed.