Gandylyan K.S. 1
Eliseeva E.V. 1
Каrpov S.M. 1
Apaguni A.E. 1
Hatuaeva A.A. 1
1 Stavropol State Medical University
Were examined 42 patients with acute injuries of the maxillofacial (MFT) region with traumatic cervical spine (TCS) and 41 patients in the late period (prescription injury over 12 months – an average 14,4±3,9 months.). In most cases (64.3 %) was the result of an accident MFT and street accidents. Criminal injuries totaled 19.1 %. In 16.6% of cases MFT was the result of sports injuries. The results of this study indicate that patients who have suffered at TCS in different periods of injury, placing a large number of complaints, which in many respects are similar in nature. On the other hand the nature of these claims and differs significantly depending on the time of injury are prominent features. Conducted neuropsychological testing has helped confirm that the TCS important part of the clinical picture in the majority of patients are diverse psycho-emotional displays. The study of cerebral hemodynamics revealed objective changes in the cervical spine, allowing to specify the morphological character formed hemodynamic disturbances.