Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Gatien F.F. 1 Volgina F.M. 1
1 State budget educational institution of additional vocational training Kazan State Medical Academy
It is known that in the formation of most forms of mental pathology involved a complex set of factors: biological, social, environmental, professional, personal and psychological, and others. However, up to date of any domestic or foreign medicine no studies of the complex effects of adverse medical and social factors on the occurrence of mental disorders. In addition, no systematic study of methods to identify and reduce medical and social factors that have a negative impact on mental health. The goal - to determine the laws of the influence of social, hygienic, medical, biological and other factors on the occurrence of organic mental, develop recommendations aimed at improving the quality of care for these patients. Material: The sample consisted of 406 inpatients with organic mental disorders were treated in 2010. Methods: As a basic research program using a specially designed questionnaire, including information on the clinical, socio-demographic, socio-economic and production characteristics of the patient. Analysis used calculation of the coefficient of χ2 - Pearson, as well as analysis of variance. Results: the impact of a significant number of medical and social factors and their combinations for patients with organic mental disorders has been very significant. The strength of their effect varies in a very wide range. In carrying out preventive work dispensary theoretically should be taken into account all factors. Their removal or mitigation can contribute to a more favorable course of organic mental disorders, reduce the frequency and duration of hospitalizations, prevention of their disability.