Herasymova E.V. 1
1 Vinnitsa National Medical University n.a. N. I. Pirogov
Bronсhial asthma (BA) in childhood is an important medical and social problem. Due to changes in hemodynamics and the risk of possible complications such as arrhythmias and conduction, pulmonary hypertension, is an important assessment of the cardiovascular system in bronchial asthma. Severe asthma, emphysema, chronic hypoxia and hypoxemia that develops in bronchial asthma, pronounced neurovegetative imbalance, persistent increase in pulmonary artery pressure accompanied by significant metabolic disturbances in the myocardium and lead to the formation of degenerative changes and the development of cor pulmonale. Cardiac arrhythmias in patients with bronchial asthma presented relevant and understudied kardiopulmonologich problem. This is due to the high incidence of arrhythmias in bronchial asthma and their adverse impact on the manifestation of respiratory failure. But studies of the cardiovascular system is not included in the minutes of examination of children with asthma because cardiac pathology in these patients is diagnosed on time. Late diagnosis of complications on the part of the cardiovascular system in children with asthma, inadequate assessment of prognosis and therapy cardiotropic absence underlies the high morbidity and mortality in adulthood has.