Gorbunova E.A. 1
Zapuskalov I.V. 1
1 Siberian state medical university
The clinical efficacy of a new method of enucleation of the eyeball without suturing the eye muscles in the formation of the orbital stump is evaluated in the present article. During 3 years (2011-2014) the 14 patients aged 26 to 69 years (mean 46.2 years) with the consequences of injuries of the eye and orbit were operated on. From the total number of patients 10 persons were men (71.4%), 4 persons were women (28.6%). All the patients underwent the enucleation of the eyeball using a new method in which the oculomotor muscles cross, without isolating out of the tendon and without stitching together. The periods of observation of patients was 2 years. The results showed that the early and late rehabilitation in patients after enucleation of the developed method proceeded without complications. Total mobility of the locomotor stump averaged 162,6 ± 7,8 ° (80%), while mobility of an ocular prosthesis 138,8 ± 8,4 ° (50-60%). Muscles are not sewn that excludes possibility of necrosis of the eye muscles, there is no objective evidence of discomfort and irritation from sutures. Thus, the use of this method of enucleation can significantly reduce the duration of the operation, provides a good mobility and rotational motion of the orbital stump by maintaining the normal anatomic and topographic location of the eye muscles, which greatly increases the efficiency of medical and social rehabilitation of the patients.