Gudinova J.V. 1
Tolkova E.I. 1
Zhernakova G.N. 1
Semenova N.V. 1
Gegechkori I.V. 1
1 The Omsk State Medical Academy of the Russian Federation Healthcare Ministry
The article provides an analysis of the legal framework of All-Russian sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” in 2014 and the comparative evaluation of the complex regulations in 1972 and 2014 for boys 11 years. The tendency complicating delivery standards, increased requirements for endurance and strength of children. The problems of health physical education of children in mind the well-known and widespread deterioration of health and physical fitness of Russian children. Emphasized the need of scientific and methodological support of the All-Russian sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” in 2014 in the field of health care, sanitary legislation, clarifying the rules, harmonization of the regulatory framework of socio-hygienic monitoring (in terms of monitoring the state of the physical development of children, adolescents and youth).