Dyomin A.V. 1, 2
Krylov D.V. 2
Kajdalova I.K. 3
Krivetsky V.V. 3
Vashura A.S. 3
1 Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
2 ANO «Scientific Research Medical Center “Gerontology”
3 Belgorod City Hospital N 1
The study aimed at a comprehensive assessment of postural control by computer posturography «Smart Equitest Balance Manager» method was conducted in elderly men who have experienced two or more falls during the year (falling syndrome). It was found that elderly men with falling syndrome have decrease of sensory systems, neurophysiological mechanisms of postural control, changing of motor and sensory components of legs, as well as decrease of balance control in the frontal and sagittal planes, compared with men of the same age having no experience of falls. On the basis of findings of a comprehensive analysis of postural control in elderly men with falling syndrome new data were obtained and confirmed by data from previous studies about the peculiarities of the development of postural instability and risk factors for falls in elderly men.