Derevtsova S.N. 1
Nikolaev V.G. 1
Prokopenko S.V. 1
Zaytseva O.I. 2
1 Krasnoyarsk state medical university named after prof. V.F. Vojno-Yasenetskij
2 Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Scientific Research Institute of medical problems of the North»
119 men and 95 women of the II mature period and elderly period with the syndrome of central hemiparesis were examined. Somatotyping was done by W. L. Rees – H. Eysenck method (1945) – asthenic, normosthenic and picnic somatotypes. The measurement of movement volume in large joints of upper and lower extremities before and after rehabilitation was done by goniometer. Results: patient’s somatotype influences on the recovery of movement function. Men and women with central hemiparesis of the II mature period (asthenic and picnic somatotype) demonstrate maximum movement amplitude in joints of upper and lower extremities after rehabilitation. Among patients of elderly period men and women with central hemiparesis of asthetic somatotype showed maximum movement volume.