Dogadin S.А. 1
Dudina М.А. 1
1 Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V. F.Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk
The review presents the data of interaction between GH and immune system. It presents the modern information about media of somatotropic adenohypophysis function and their relationship with the immune system. Discusses the influence of growth factors on population and subpopulation structure CD-expressing lymphocytes, functional activity of neutrophil granulocytes, the intracellular metabolism of the immune system, modulation of apoptosis. The article described in detail the role of pituitary somatotroph function and immune system violations in the genesis of neoplastic processes development. The existing immune changes in chronic growth factors excess condition, and the close immunoendocrine interaction are important factors that are involved in the pathogenesis of neoplasms development, in such disease as acromegaly, decreasing of patients lifespan.