Dolgikh V.V. 1
Kolesnikova L.R. 1
Natyaganova L.V. 1
1 Scentific Centre of the Problems of Family Health and Human Reproduction
In work data of the conducted research at children and teenagers of 13-16 years on identification of the factors promoting developing of the essentsialny arterial hypertension (GAE) are submitted. Considering that cultural and ethical, medico-social and mental sets on a healthy lifestyle are formed at children’s and teenage age, researches in this direction were conducted. The main questions reflected a way of life, the sphere of employment of children and teenagers. The special attention was paid to presence at their life of addictions: smoking, use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. The hypodynamia among modern youth is also one of the factors defining development of GAE. The analysis of physical activity of respondents showed that only every third teenager with GAE played physical culture and sport. Low level of knowledge of teenagers with GAE about possible complications of this disease and its prevention is revealed. In structure of incidence of GAE among teenagers young men prevail. One third of teenagers of sick GAE is brought up in incomplete families. The main part of respondents have addictions (mainly smoking). The fifth part of respondents are subject hypodynamias and two third respondents are characterized by low medical activity.