Dyatel A.V. 1
Gazhva S.I. 1
Kyudoshin S.V. 1
1 Nizhniy Novgorod State Medical Academy
The problem enough high prevalence and intensity of diseases of a mucous membrane of the oral cavity and of the red portion in the country, and at the same time, absence of a trustworthy information about the given pathology at adult population of the Nizhegorodsky region is designated. Results of clinical inspection of patients with defects of a mucous membrane of the oral cavity and of the red portion based on principles of demonstrative medicine and completeness of diagnostics are presented. The characteristic of structure of stomatologic disease of a mucous membrane of the oral cavity and of the red portion depending on age is given, is emphasized on revealing of an oncological pathology and decrease in its risk by means of additional methods of visualization. In research the technique of early diagnostics of new growths by means of system «ViziLite Plus», opening new prospects in practice of dentists.