Zhdanova L.A. 1
Boboshko I.E. 1
Zaitseva E.S. 1
Lanina E.A. 1
1 Ivanovo State Medical Academy
The article is devoted to the study of children’s health features in under school age. And the present investigation showed the differences of adaptation potential among children with different constitutional types. Centroverts had medium indexes of development, the least level of uneasiness, optimum condition of resistance and vegetative regulation. Children with introversive constitutional type, in spite of greater school maturity and hand dexterity, more often had deficiency of mass, insufficient physical training and high level of uneasiness. They were inclined to the lowering of resistance and unsympathetic vegetative reactivity. Children with extraversive constitutional type had better physical training, the least level of hand dexterity and school maturity. And they were inclined to the surplus sympathetic vegetative reactivity. The exposure the differences of children’s health determine the necessity of differential approach to children’s accompaniment during their preparation to school.