Zholudev S.E. 1
1 Medical University «Ural State Medical University»
Is carried out a retrospective analysis of complex treatment plans, set out in the medical histories of 103 patients with decompensated form of increased abrasion of teeth. It is shown that, due to the significant morpho - functional changes of dental system at high abrasion of hard dental tissues, especially in decompensated forms without a special preparation of the oral cavity, it is not possible to carry out a rational dental prosthetics. It is proved that the normalization of the height of the lower portion of the face, with the help of special preparation before the dental prosthetics is an integral part of a complex treatment of decompensated form of increased abrasion of teeth. As evidence is shown the clinical case of a patient with decompensated form of increased abrasion, complicated with partial tooth loss and decrease of the height of the lower portion of the face. Are reflected the main challenges which dentists – orthopedists meet in the planning of complex treatment of decompensated form of high teeth abrasion.