Zhulev E.N. 1
Demin D. N. 1
Velmakina I.V. 1
1 Medical University «Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy»
At present, the partial loss of teeth - the most common dental disease in which at different stages of the most commonly used small metal-ceramic bridges. Design depends on the clinical picture: the length of the defect and state support antagoniruyuschih teeth, the degree of atrophy of bone tissue in the area of the missing teeth. The research studied the distribution of the stress-strain state in the elements of a cemented bridge (ceramic tiles, metal frame, a layer of cement fixation) without distal support one artificial tooth, as well as in the tissues of the prepared abutment, periodontal and its surrounding gum. Biomechanical study focuses on a comparative analysis of the impact of attachment denture on the intensity of the stress in the prosthesis and its supporting tissues. For comparison and analysis of the system «jaw-teeth-prosthesis” used two quantities: the intensity of the stress (or strain Mises), which characterizes the energy changes form, and the average (or hydrostatic) stress. To assess the state of stress fragile environments such as cement or ceramic, apply the criterion of maximum tensile stress. The findings suggest that the uneven distribution of stresses and significant functional overload abutment.