Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Zaytseva M.A. 1 Bonitenko E.U. 1 Ivanov M.B. 1 Skobelev D.O. 2 Pikalova L.V. 1 Chechevatova O.Y. 2 Batotsyrenova E.G. 1
1 FSSI The Institute of toxicology FMBA RF
2 VNICSMV “Rosstandart”
The Russian preclinical testing harmonization in accordance with european principals GLP OECD leads to quality improvement of Russian preclinical facilities. No state education standard for preclinical studies in Russia. The personal of FSSI The Institute of toxicology FMBA RF developed the procedure of trainings for preclinical testing on the base of effective regulatory procedure. The training experience has been analyzed. The results showed that several levels of training system should be used for GLP, animal maintaince and preclinical testing methods. The training program should be developed for each person separately in accordance with position. The qualification evaluation should be done as regular assessment. The described multilevel training procedure can be used as a base for development and implementation of preclinical training system at Russian testing facilities.