Zastelo E.S. 1
Khaletskaya O.V. 1
Tush E.V. 1
1 SBEI HPE “Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy” of Ministry of Health of RF
The article presents the results of the assessment of effectiveness of different medicamental approaches to the treatment of primary polysymptomatic enuresis (PPE) in the childen aged 5 to 12. Taking into consideration the multifactoriality of PPE, a low therapeutic effect from medicamental monotherapy we have decided to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the combined medicamental programme (urotherapy, hopantetic acid, desmopressin) and compared it with the monotherapy. In the result of the conducted research we have received a positive summary effect (82,5%) from the combined therapy of polysymptomatic forms of enuresis (r >0,05). So, the combined therapy is highly effective and safe for the children of pre-school and school age.