Zemskov V.K. 1
Gorbunov V.I. 1
Yashkov M.V. 1
1 Ulyanovsk State University
The objectives of this study are the analysis and forecasting of morbidity and postoperative mortality from acute appendicitis to adequately assess the situation and to develop strategic approaches to further reduce these parameters in the Ulyanovsk region and the Russian Federation, as well as to explore possible ways to optimize surgical care to this group of patients. Acute appendicitis is one of the most common diseases in emergency surgery. In modern Russia, the number of appendectomies decreased 4 times compared with the USSR. In Ulyanovsk region the number of operations for acute appendicitis is reduced by an average of 120 per year. In the present work was carried out sampling of statistical data related to c morbidity and postoperative mortality of acute appendicitis in the Ulyanovsk region.