Vorobyov M.V. 1
1 Ivanovo Clinical Hospital Kuvaeva
According to an anonymous questionnaire survey among physicians of dental profile, faculty of Dentistry students and interns were analyzed ways of improving of their professional literacy. The survey results showed that the maximum part of the medical doctors have worked for more than 20 years, most of them have the qualification category. Analysis of the doctors of dental profile for the post revealed that the major portion of them were dentists (62.0 %). Most of the respondents were doctors health clinics belonging to the community (67.8 %), almost one in five runs in non-health care (22.2 %), lowest part – in-patient municipal health care (0.6 %). Due to the low wages paid every expert would like to work in a public institution. Professional level students and interns increase through reading books and online resources, while doctors – by communicating with colleagues to share experiences and read articles in professional journals.