Zorkin M.V. 1
Atkarskaja O.A. 1
1 FSBGI HPE “Mordovian Ogarev state university”
Research of enteroprotective action of 3-oxypyridine derivative (etoxidol) and a series of new derivatives of aminohexane and acetylglutamine acids is conducted on model of ulcer lesion of gastrointestinal tract induced by diclofenac introduction. It is shown that etoxidol and compound LHT-1-09 possess the greatest gastroprotective activity in small bowel mucosa reliably reducing both quantity, and the area of ulcers on 60% and 92% and by 51% and 93% respectively. Compounds LHT-1-05, LHT-1-06, LHT-2-09, LHT-3-09 reduced the area of ulcers in a small bowel by 73%, 70%, 58%, 55% respectively. On anti-ulcerogenic effect in colon mucosa more similar results were received: reliable decrease of quantity of ulcers wasn’t registered in all series, but their area decreased in all series: against introduction of compound of LHT-1-09 for 82%, etoxidol - for 74%, LHT-1-05, LHT-1-06, LHT-3-09, LHT-2-09 - for 70%, 69%, 67% and 55% respectively. At that etoxidol completely prevented bleeding development in small and large intestine, and the studied compounds reduced quantity and the area of ulcers with a hemosiderin. Etoxidol and compounds of LHT-1-05, LHT-1-06, LHT-1-09 completely prevented development of perforated ulcers.