Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Zyzov I.M. 1 Gazhva S.I. 1
1 Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
The aim of the study was to optimize the treatment of chronic destructive periodontitis in the teeth with perforation of hard tissues. The study involved 66 patients aged 20 to 50 years (39 women and 27 men). 72 were treated with a diagnosis of teeth K04.5 – chronic periodontitis complicated by perforation of dental hard tissues of different localization and comparative assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed treatment algorithm, its elements and the quality of care in the early and late periods in the study groups. The best results were obtained in the treatment of the first group in which the treatment was carried out under the proposed algorithm – 94.44 % (17) of successful outcomes. In the third group, without the use of periodontal matrix was successfully treated teeth 16 (88.89 % of the cases ) from the root perforation . In the fourth group, without the use of ultrasound - 14 teeth (77,78 %). In the second group the success rate was 61.11 % (11 teeth). Analyzed the effectiveness of the three components of the proposed algorithm treatment of root perforations teeth. Most of them showed the comparative effectiveness of systems use optical zoom – 33.33 %. Smallest – using periodontal matrix – 5.56 %. Using ultrasound as an activator irrigation solution - 16.67 %. Optimization of endodontic treatment of teeth with root perforations is to standardize the methodological approaches to endodontic treatment, informed choice of treatment depending on the clinical situation, and the main results of additional tests, the introduction of modern diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, mandatory medical supervision in the immediate and long-term periods.