Ivanov S.V. 1, 2
Gubarev U.D. 2
Yatsenko E.A. 2
1 FSUE»All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Hygiene of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being»
2 Belgorod National Research University
The aim of the research is revealing of basic medical and social geriatric syndromes connected with pathology of the vision and evaluating their influence on the quality of medical help. We have studied the occurrence of such disorders among the elderly as cognitive disorders, the anxiety-depressive syndrome, the falling syndrome, and polymorbidity among the patients of ophthalmological departments. It has been noticed that the elderly with a pathology of the vision are a special group of patients who feel medical and social after-effects of pathology of the vision not only because of their disease, but also due to the age factor, and a high risk of such geriatric syndromes as fallings and cognitive disorders.