Isamulaeva A.Z. 1
Spitsyna А.V. 1
Magomedov S.S. 1
Shatueva S.Z. 2
Isamulaeva A.I. 1
1 Astrakhan State Medical Academy
2 City clinic № 8 named. N.I.Pirogov
In recent years, various somatic pathologies are widely conducted research related to the study of the role of provospolitelnyh, antiphlogistic and cytokines, as their content and nature of interaction largely determines the leading immune mechanisms of pathogenesis, clinical features and course of diseases of various organs and systems. In this regard, chronic somatic diseases associated with severe cytokine regulation, which leads to a change in the local defense factors and contributes to the adverse effects of dental status. Elaboration pathogenesis mechanisms determine the role of cytokine regulation in prognostication and treatment of oral diseases and justify new treatment and prevention approaches events.199